Welcome to Paradise!

Welcome to Paradise!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

The search for the elusive donut (and other island tales!)

Today the boys and I dropped Tangra off at class so that we could have the car to do some errands. However, as I drove out of the parking lot we were all overcome by an extreme craving. One like we had never experienced before. We had to do something and fast! I picked up my buddy Chuck (another one of the spouses from Louisiana) and we set out in search of the elusive donut. Now we aren't talking about some French pastry that resembles an extremely small loaf of bread, we're talking about a jelly filled ball of yeast, boiled in grease, and covered with sugars. We set out across the island stopping at every bakery, supermarket, and convenience store that we encountered but each time we were pointed in the direction of the stale bread and croissants that they consider breakfast. (How anyone can see that as breakfast I will never know.) Anyway, long story short I am convinced that there is not one donut on this entire island. We had one store that showed some promise at first but quickly lost clout when the lady told us to come back in the afternoon. (I mean really, who needs a donut in the afternoon?) Needless to say we didn't get a donut today and I am considering investing in a Dunkin Donuts Franchise.

Ok, enough ranting about the donut search, on to new things. Tomorrow marks the end of Tangra's official first week. It is going well but it is very hard. She was really excited the other day though because she got to start dissecting her cadaver. I guess by the time it is done they will have dissected and examined every part of the human body. (Great, yet another reason for me not to mess with my wife!) Her first "block exam" (a two hour exam that tests all 3 of her classes at once) is a week from Monday. It finally sank in yesterday and likewise caused her to have a slight meltdown but as usual I was able to help calm her down and she is much better today. I can understand her worry though because she has more notes from one week of class than I had in my entire college career!

Tomorrow night is the white coat ceremony where all the first semester students get a chance to put on their white physician's coats and go through a ceremonial march similar to a graduation. It is a very prestigious event which marks their entrance into the field of medicine. I will be sure to post pictures for everyone to see.

Well, I guess that is enough for now. Talk to you later,


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