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Welcome to Paradise!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Maybe I'm Not Cut Out To Be A Marathon Runner!

So, as I said before I successfully completed the mini-marathon on Sunday...my official time was 2:28:32 which I am very happy with...however since then things have went somewhat down hill. Monday I was a little sore, nothing major, but by Tuesday morning I couldn't stand up straight and had to spend most of the day on the couch. Wednesday was pretty much the same way, but I felt bad that the boys had to spend all day inside the house so I tried to take them to the Domino's playground after lunch. I thought I would get a drink and read my book while they played in the ball pit but the whole trip was miserable! I couldn't find a comfortable way to sit but I couldn't stand either. Noah couldn't understand why I wouldn't play the Lion for him, and for the first time ever Nolan decided he would like to try out the ball pit too. Which is a little deep and once he got in it he couldn't get out. After trying about 20 seconds he decided it was hopeless and just stood there screaming hysterically. I tried to get Noah to help him but Noah couldn't stand the screaming and got out of the balls instead. So I'm sure you can imagine the scene...Nolan screaming, Noah yelling at me that "Nolan is screaming!", and me trying to shimmy up a small tube slide, through a tunnel of tubes, and pulling Nolan up out of the balls to safety. All with extremely uncomfortable back pain. At which point I realized that the tubes were way to small for me to turn around in so I had to back all the way back out. To make matters just a little worse, all the screaming and commotion had drawn a rather large crowd of spectators just in time for my grand exit which appeared to be a cross between a round off back hand spring and a belly flop! Let's just say that Noah couldn't get his crocs on fast enough. After that we went back home and the boys watched movies while I iced my back.

Today I am feeling a little better and hopefully by mid weekend I'll be back to normal. I'm going to try and take them for a walk later to see if my back will stretch out a little. Wish me luck!



Anonymous said...

all i can think of is the scene from Ace Ventura...you know the great Rino giving birth to Jim Carrey scene...lol...thats is how i picture the whole backing out of the tube scene...you were breach man!!!

hkangoh said...

Hahaha! I can actually picture this!
