So, let me start by saying yesterday was not my best day on the island. Bare with me, I will start at the beginning. I got up and went for my run like normal and things went good but when Tangra got ready to leave for class she realized that her car had been broken into because all the stuff that was in the glove box was scattered all over the seats. Luckily for us we don't have a pot to pee in so they didn't get anything but an AUC sweatshirt. Now think about that for a minute. Wouldn't you be so proud as a thief to spend your time breaking into a car to only get a sweatshirt? After all we do live in the Caribbean where there is like 2 days a year when you can actually wear a sweatshirt! What an IDIOT! Anyway, after finding out that all they got was a sweatshirt we really weren't too upset and decided to go on with our day feeling positive and upbeat. This was obviously not acceptable for Satan so he continued his wrath. About an hour later, I went out to find that my car had also been violated by thieves. Luckily as I said before, we don't have a pot to pee in so there was very little in my truck as well. After a quick inventory, I determined that they had stolen a pair of $7 jumper cables and a half of a can of WD40. All I could think at that point was, “man this Idiot will starve if he keeps this up too much.” This too seemed almost comical and so it didn't really faze me too much.
Let’s I load the boys in the truck and proceed to start it only to find that my clutch will not disengage. (Broken Vehicle #1) Fairly certain that I know what the problem is and that I will not be able to fix it myself I unload the children, take them back upstairs, and call a mechanic. I set up an appointment for him to come over the next day and look at it and Skype Tangra to let her know that I will not be able to make it to the school to see her. Tangra then decides that she will come home and pick us up so that she can stay at the school all afternoon and study and I will have a car. She comes home and picks us up and we drive back to the school. As we arrive at the school she glances over at me and says, " the way...this thing probably needs some gas (the gauge doesn't work but it had been a while since we last put some in)” at which point the car begins to lurch and chug to a stop completely bone dry. With a slight grin and a few under my breath comments I get a hold of Chuck to have him take me to get some gas (half broken down car #2) Chuck picks me up at the school, we run home to get a gas can and funnel, and then head back to the car. After about 45 min we are finally able to get the entire 5 gallons of gas ($30 worth by the way...yeah I don't want to hear you crying about $4 anymore) into the tank. I get the car started up, drive the rest of the way to Tangra's office and we all have some lunch together. Tangra finishes up her classes and then we all headed for home. We get, I kid you not, about a mile from the school and the car just shuts off! (Completely broken down car #2) A nice taxi driver that is near by tries for a little while to help me get it running and then when we can’t he offers to drop us back at the school where we can get some help. (He was such a nice guy!)
Ok, so before I go on let us reflect on the MORNING thus far! Sweatshirt stolen out of car. Jumper Cables and WD40 stolen out of truck. Truck breaks down. Car runs out of gas. Car breaks down. Driven back to school where we are with no cars and two small, tired, children.
Let's continue. Tangra goes upstairs to see if her friend Farnaz will allow us to borrow her car. Because she is the sweetest person I know she says yes and hands her the keys. We walk out to the parking lot to her car and find it with an all but flat rear tire! Not wanting to ruin her tire I pull the car over by the schools gym where there is an air compressor and pump up the tire. However, in order to use the air compressor you have to park on a slight hill and as we are parked there the car dies!!!!! I get in and realize that it is nearly out of gas as well, but I do not have anymore gas in my can because I poured it all into broken down car #2! I let the car roll down the hill to a flat spot where the gas can get to the fuel pickup and it starts so we decided to limp the car to the gas station and see what happens. Luckily we were able to make it to the gas station and the car never died only sputtered a little as we were pulling in the gas station parking lot. After filling the car with gas I continue home to drop off the family before (against my better judgment) continuing on to the parts store to try and get parts.
As I said before I knew that I could not fix the truck by myself so I thought I would try and fix the car. Knowing that the car had run completely out of gas and that after a few minutes it died from fuel starvation I figured that it was probably a clogged fuel filter or at worst a fuel pump. So off to Napa I went. I walked in thinking I would buy a relatively inexpensive fuel filter (maybe home $15-20, island $50-60) and replace it to see if that worked before getting any further involved in the repair. However, after a short conversation with the parts man and a little computer searching on his part he returned my verdict.
"The 2001 Kia Rio doesn't have a separate fuel filter. It just has a little screen on the end of the IN TANK fuel pump that is PART OF THE WHOLE ASSEMBLY which we have IN STOCK for $314 PLUS FREIGHT of $25."
Please allow me a minute to break this statement down for you as I did in my head after leaving the parts store without any parts!
---The 2001 Kia Rio doesn't have a separate fuel filter. --- What kind of crappy, ridiculous car doesn't have an inline, maintainable fuel filter!
---It just has a little screen...that is PART OF THE WHOLE ASSEMBLY--- Really?! can’t just sell the little screen...what a crock of crap!
---IN TANK fuel pump--- Honestly, can this be anymore ridiculous that it already is!?
---for $314--- Why yes...I guess it can be! Thanks for that one too!
---which we have IN STOCK...PLUS FREIGHT of $25--- If anyone can rationalize this one then by all means let me know!
Needless to say I left the parts store, drove straight home, walked into the house, went back to my room and went back to bed. Hopefully today I will be able to start the process of getting everything fixed and back to normal.
Thanks for letting me vent,